xEV Center is an Electrification Technology Learning Facility in Indonesia locate at Toyota Plant 3, Karawang, West Java. xEV Center Aims to provide a comprehensive information in electrification to prepare quality human resources who have the ability and understanding in electrification era.

4 Different Side Of Innovation

The Background on why the world and Indonesia concern on environmental issues and Toyota commitment to these issues through the Toyota Environmental Challenges 2050

Learn about xEV Technology that has been developed by Toyota and understand about components used in electrified vehicles.

Information about the Well to Wheel concept, renewable energy and xEV vehicles infrastructure requirements.

The answer of customer concerns about electrified vehicles.

  • Total Visitors

    9593 Peoples


In-depth information about electrification, renewable energy, and more.

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In-depth information about electrification, renewable energy, and more.

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Visitor's Testimony

Mr. T. Uchiyamada

Chairman of TMC

This new facility shows how Toyota thinks electrification and where we are heading for so that visitors can easily understand.

Mr. Iqbal Fathur Rachman

Teacher MTs Nurrohmah Taufiqi School

So happy because in xEV Center we can get a lot of knowledge related to electrification vehicle and we also had a test drive earlier. Masha Allah, its amazing. Thank you xEV Center.

Ir. Muslim Mahardika, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D., IPM., ASEAN Eng.

Universitas Gadjah Mada

xEV Center is a decent facility where students can learn the whole electrification vehicle ecosystem.

Prof. Eniya Listiani Dewi

Research Professor BRIN

xEV Center is a great facility to learn about electrification technology and the environment.

Mrs. Nurul, Mrs. Siti and Mrs. Sulastri

Teacher MI Ash Shiddiqiyah Koja

Our experience coming to xEV was very exciting. Moreover, when we tried out some of the cars here, it turned out to be really fun, in the future we will definitely invite our students here.

Jerome Louis

VP of Area Operation TMAP

This place is very good for expand the point of view of every stakeholders regarding electrification and the multipath way of electrification.

Mrs. Enny Luksianawati

Teacher SD Palumbonsari 3 Karawang

I hope that the knowledge from the xEV Center can be spread to a wider audience so that many people know about environmentally friendly vehicles that we hope can reduce global warming.

Dr. Eng. Ir. Iman Kartolaksono Reksowardojo


xEV Center is very important because it will be used as an educational facility. In the long term, education is very important so people know more about electric vehicles.

Mrs. Diah Ayu Wulandari

Teacher SD IT AI Insan Islamic School

I am from SD IT Al Insan Islamic School, East Bekasi.
I attended an event at the xEV Center held by Toyota. I think this experience is very useful, especially if later we can try it on our students at school.

Mrs. Adisti, Mr. Ibnu dan Mrs. Media

Teacher SMKN 14 Kota Bekasi

We are teachers of the Engineering department at SMKN 15 Bekasi, would like to express our gratitude to the xEV Center where we were given education that is currently booming and viral, namely about electrification vehicle.

Mr. Abdul, Mrs. Meida, Mrs. Ernawati, dan Mr. Alfian

Teacher SMAN 6 Karawang

Visit to the xEV Center is a very good activity for teachers regarding the development of renewable technology, especially in the field of vehicles.

Mr. Michael Goode

Senior General Manager Ebrahim E Kanoo, Bahrain

I really appreciate the existence of the xEV Center because it is a great learning place for us from GCC

Mr. Sofiyan Soraya

Teacher SMAN 6 Karawang

Thank you to xEV Center for holding Teacher's Day activities so that it can provide truly extraordinary knowledge.

Mr. Y. Kyoda

President Director ADM

Appreciate Toyota Indonesia effort to establish xEV Center

Mr. Muslim

Teacher SMK Mitra Karya Rengasdengklok

Visit to the xEV Center is very beneficial for the community, especially in terms of electrification vehicle, which will be even more encouraged in the future. Thank You.

Mrs. Rina, Mr. Ruli dan Mrs. Ika

Teacher SMK Wirasa Karawang dan SMKN 1 Purwasari

xEV Center is a very useful learning facility, where we can find out about various kinds of technology advances in terms of electrification, battery performance tests, & the history of Toyota creating electrification technology.

xEV Center Documentation

xEV Center Profile

Teachers Day at xEV Center

Mirai Cut Body at EBTKE CONEX

Mirai Cut Body at IIHS 2023

Kesan dan Pesan dari Kunjungan ke xEV Center

xEV Center di mata Akademia

Newly Launched xEV Center, a Green Industry Learning Facility in Indonesia

Reservation for xEV Center Tour

Operating hours : Tuesday and Thursday.
Session 1: 09.00 WIB - 11.00 WIB
Session 2: 13.00 WIB - 15.00 WIB

Customer Services : +62 811 109 9382

Online Reservation Booking Offline

Reservation for xEV Center Tour

Operating hours : Tuesday and Thursday.
Session 1: 09.00 WIB - 11.00 WIB
Session 2: 13.00 WIB - 15.00 WIB

Customer Services : +62 811 109 9382

Online Reservation Booking Offline